People+AI: From Data to Decisions: Empowering Patent Strategy with AI and Human Insight

Activ8 Novelty

DorothyAI leverages AI at crucial stages of analysis and enhances these findings with expert interpretation, ensuring informed and strategic patent decisions.

Artificial Intelligence is expanding into more and more aspects of business, but it is the people that transform AI findings into actionable results.

Filing and managing patents is a complex task. Artificial Intelligence is revolutionizing how that process happens. It can search and synthesize more information than was previously possible. However, AI has limits in reasoning and real-world experience. DorothyAI bridges the context gap with real-world experience and human expertise.

DorothyAI offers more than AI analysis and searches. By including human intelligence, DorothyAI offers a comprehensive analysis, combining patent analysis, market data, and industry data. This comprehensive view of the competitive environment provides insights to identify opportunities and make strategic decisions. The human touch expands the value of AI.

Patent experts founded DorothyAI because we recognized the opportunity for artificial intelligence to save time and improve accuracy for data gathering and predictions. We combine AI with our years of experience with all stages of the patent filing process. 

DorothyAI’s Activ8 Tools are specialized to help with the specific needs of filing patents:

  • Activ8 Novelty can help you determine if the invention is unique enough to patent.
  • Activ8 Freedom reveals if your patent falls into the claims of another patent. 
  • If you are filing internationally, Activ8 Alignment can help optimize the decision of which country to file in.
  • CrossCite searches for related patents and produces IDS forms ready for submission

DorothyAI provides both access to these tools and services to complete these tasks for you. Whether you are a patent expert looking for increased efficiency or a new inventor seeking guidance, DorothyAI has a level of service that can fit your needs. AI efficiency provides more robust data that can be used to create innovative solutions. DorothyAI’s experts can interpret findings, inform decisions, and guide the process.

Beyond searches, DorothyAI offers expert-lead services. Alignment Reports combine the AI  services with expanded data and human insights for comprehensive landscape analysis. 

We combine patents, market data, and industry data to provide a comprehensive view of the competitive market. The combined AI and human insights enable you to identify opportunities and make strategic decisions. Maximize the value of your AI investments with expert guidance.

DorothyAI’s Alignment Reports can apply to all phases of the Stage Gate Process. From Ideation to Development to Launch, DorothyAI can help determine if a patent is novel enough to move forward and what path will be most beneficial.

By involving DorothyAI early in the Stage Gate process, you can identify potential patent infringement risks. This allows you to be proactive in taking measures to mitigate or avoid those risks.

Competition and Trend Analysis can inform your strategy. By gaining awareness of your competitors’ technological advancements and patent portfolios, you can develop strategies to gain a competitive advantage. 

Patent data can reveal technological trends and white spaces and inform the direction of research and development efforts. White spaces reveal underrepresented areas in the patent landscapes and opportunities for you. You can be more confident in your alignment with market demands and opportunities.

Your Research and Development resources are valuable. Landscape analysis helps to identify how to optimize spending, avoid redundancy, and identify collaboration opportunities. You can mitigate risks and make a more informed decision about resource allocation.

One example of competitive landscape analysis led one client to a shift in global strategy. After examining the market landscape and patent strategy of their competitors, DorothyAI recommended shifting the patent filing to include Brazil. This opened the client’s manufacturing options, which improved their overall strategy.

Here is a glimpse into how DorothyAI combines AI and human intelligence to elevate our approach. 

  • Define Scope: DorothyAI will work with you to identify the key question and scope of a project. During this initial phase, both parties will identify key players, data types, and agree on the approach of the project.
  • Conduct Search: DorothyAI will use AI to perform comprehensive searches across multiple relevant databases and defined by the search scope.
  • Data Extraction and Analysis: DorothyAI will use AI to extract and organize relevant data. This data can include filing dates, assignees, claims, market information, and citations.
  • Patent Categorization: DorothyAI’s experts will categorize the data based on technology areas, assignees, or other relevant criteria.
  • Patent Mapping and Visualization: DorothyAI’s experts with assistance from AI will create visual representations of the patent landscape. Details can include technology maps, citation networks, or assignee clusters.
  • White Space Identification: AI analysis can show gaps in the patent landscape. These underrepresented areas present opportunities for innovation.
  • Competitive Analysis: AI can optimize the analysis of patent portfolios and strategies of key competitors in your industry.
  • Patent Trend Analysis: DorothyAI’s experts can research patent filing trends and emerging technologies. We can help identify potential areas of future growth or disruption.
  • Report Generation: DorothyAI works with AI to compile the findings into a comprehensive report which includes insights, recommendations,and actionable strategies.

DorothyAI is more than AI-powered patent searches. We offer comprehensive services that combine AI efficiency with human insights. From more efficient searches to expert-lead guidance through the entire patent filing process, DorothyAI has a level of service that can fit your needs. 

To learn more about how DorothyAI can help your patent journey, set up a demo by clicking here.