How DorothyAI can help you complete IDS forms

Activ8 Novelty

Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) forms are an important step when filing patents, but they take time away from more valuable tasks and are rife with pitfalls. DorothyAI’s CrossCite platform is built by experts to reduce the time it takes to research related patents and fill out the IDS forms, while also minimizing potential mistakes. CrossCite saves hours of work on researching a comprehensive list of related patents, so you can focus on more important tasks.

The purpose of the IDS form is to identify related patents, research papers, art, and other documentation that may be related to the patent that you are submitting. Research is required to identify the related patents. The IDS form is required within three months of the initial filing of the US patent application or receipt of the first office action on the merits. You may need to submit the IDS form multiple times with updates, such as adding related cases. If the IDS form is missed, you can lose the status of having an allowed patent.

As an additional challenge, international patents are filed in multiple countries. It is redundant to include multiple international patents that originate from the same parent application. Your patent filing can attract scrutiny if you miss related patents or have too many duplicate patents in your list.

Recently, the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) recognized the possibility that Artificial Intelligence (AI) will be used to prepare and prosecute patent and trademark applications (citation). DorothyAI’s CrossCite maximizes the benefits of AI while fulfilling the governance measures to mitigate risks. DorothyAI maintains compliance with USPTO, so you can be confident that the IDS forms match current standards.

DorothyAI was founded by patent experts with years of experience with all stages of the patent filing process. They recognized the opportunity for artificial intelligence to save time, improve the accuracy of patent searches, and quickly generate IDS forms. Their CrossCite platform conducts thorough patent searches, excludes redundant patents, and generates comprehensive and compliant IDS forms.

DorothyAI offers multiple options to quickly and correctly fill out IDS forms. Choose the option that fits your needs.

●       Use CrossCite’s AI to search for related patents and generate completed IDS forms. DorothyAI’s expert team can assist you in using CrossCite and answer questions about the patent process.

●       Provide filing details to DorothyAI, who can generate IDS forms and even submit the IDS form on your behalf.

CrossCite provides a more compliant list of patents than one can find through manual research. CrossCite uses AI to verify global patents and determine whether you are required to submit an IDS form. When you supply CrossCite with one or more related patents, CrossCite can duplicate and use the similarities to determine which citations are cumulative. This can save hours of time spent performing repetitive searches.

CrossCite can also identify if your list of related patents contains redundant entries. While you want to be complete with your list of related patents, you don’t want to list multiple entries of the same patent for each country that it was filed in. That could result in a large number of redundant patents, which may delay the processing on your patent. CrossCite offers an additional verification for checking your list of related patents and identifying which patents are already covered.

Want to make sure all IDS fields are complete and consistent? Typing the same information into multiple fields is time consuming and risks inconsistencies. CrossCite’s easy to follow online form covers all fields required in the IDS form. Enter citations for art, research papers, and additional related documentation to have them included in your IDS form. The fields for filing ID and other details will fill the headers on each page. Even the patent title is pulled from your filing documentation. The generated PDF will contain all the information that you provided in the fields designated by the USPTO.

If filling out online forms isn’t your thing, DorothyAI’s team of experts can do it for you. A member of the team can guide you through the information they need to generate the IDS form. When you provide the patent filing ID number, sample related patents, and related art and documentation, DorothyAI can generate IDS forms based on your input.

DorothyAI’s expert team offers additional insight when processing your request.

●       Provide insight into other related art that you may need to include.

●       Validate the generated related patent list.

DorothyAI can provide the IDS form to you or submit the IDS form on your behalf. DorothyAI’s team maintains the qualifications needed to work directly with the USPTO.

IDS forms can take valuable time and cause issues if not handled correctly. DorothyAI’s CrossCite improves the accuracy of the related patent lists, reduces errors, and saves hours of research. Whether you handle IDS forms every day or need help completing your first, DorothyAI can help you save time and worry.

Want to learn more about IDS forms and how CrossCite can generate a comprehensive, accurate, and compliant list of related patents? Join us for a seminar on Aug 29th at 11AM Eastern time. We will show you how you can generate IDS forms in a fraction of the time and increase accuracy. Register here.