Empowering Your Business with AI

Revolutionize Your Workflow with DorothyAI

Discover how our cutting-edge AI solutions can streamline your operations, enhance productivity, and drive innovation.

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DorothyAI combines next level, artificial intelligence-based search and centuries of patent law experience into a suite of tools that compiles data from a variety of sources in minutes that would otherwise take weeks to assemble.

Activ8 Alignment Tools

Answer all of your questions in one place!


Your clients IP investment is worth it. Here’s why.

Analyze novelty, compare competitor portfolios, and create an international filing strategy with DorothyAI’s Activ8 procurement tools.


The secret to a successful product launch? Identify risks early and often.

Assess the freedom to operate risk and identify litigious competitors and NPEs with DorothyAI’s Activ8 risk tools.


Understand the market for your clients invention. They’ll thank you.

Identify competitors, quantify query specific market share, and position your clients IP accordingly.


Your clients (and you) deserve up-to-date insights. The ONLY way to do it.

Bring your research together with a shareable dynamic report that can be updated on a defined schedule or on demand at the push of a button.

What do our customers think?

“I am absolutely obsessed with AskDot! It has transformed the way I conduct patent research—its ease of use and powerful features are truly unmatched.”

“The competitive analysis tool and strategic index are really unique – I have not seen this before – very exciting

“I find new ways to use DorothyAI every time I open it up. It’s incredibly versatile and continually surprises me with its capabilities. It’s an indispensable tool for my research.