Introducing AskDot: Your New AI-Powered Patent Research Assistant

Activ8 Novelty

“AskDot – the AI patent intern you never knew you needed but won’t be able to live without!”

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We’re excited to announce the launch of AskDot, a revolutionary generative AI tool designed to transform the way patent professionals and businesses approach patent research and analysis. With AskDot, we’re breaking down barriers by providing access to the world’s largest global patent database, empowering users to increase their filing success rates while simplifying complex workflows.

Patent filings can be costly and time-consuming, and only a third of applications are successful. AskDot changes the game by making expert-level research accessible to everyone—from individual inventors to large enterprises—at a fraction of the cost. With just a few clicks, users can search for, compare, and summarize patents in multiple languages, making global patent management more efficient than ever.

AskDot is fully integrated with our suite of tools, including Novelty, Freedom, and InsightView, ensuring seamless IP management for any workflow. We’re just scratching the surface of AskDot’s potential, and we’re excited for you to experience it.

To learn more about AskDot, schedule a demo.